
Stepping Stone {Abaven Meeting}


09-06-2014, 12:15 PM

The young king's words would reflect maturity and growing dominance. Ah, he would grow well into the role of alpha. Authority and new rules would be mentioned. Ones in which set well with herself. It was nice to have structure and ensure no wolf was a mooch. The succubus would have nothing to say - no special request or suggestions at this point. Though, surely she would have some as she became more familiar with Abaven and its members. Venus eyed the multicolored wolf as he would speak of learning healing. Mmm, she herself could use some lessons in the craft. With knowledge came power. Though, she would take it upon herself to seek out healers in a different time.

Body language would react in agreement with the master's newly placed rules. Head would bow gracefully in the king's direction whilst marbled eyes gleamed in approval. No word would be spoken from onyx lips as she would make her leave from the scene - going back to her usual duties of keeping the peace and guarding the borders.

-exit Venus unless stopped-

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