
Not A War, An Alliance.



7 Years

09-06-2014, 12:32 PM

Bass would nod at the woman as she thanked him for accepting her, although a wary glimmer settled in his gaze as he heard the stirrings of another creature. Ears flickered in the direction of the noise, although his nose told him that it was Venus, coming to spy on the newest member. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, gaze turning to her as she approached the two, raising her brow at him. He matched her facial movement, knowing that she had been listening from the shadows. Not that he cared, it was her job as Kashkar to keep an eye on everyone for him. When she spoke, he turned his gaze back to the creamy female. Anzhelika called him darling once more, a pet name that would soon start to irk him. It made him feel as if she were talking to a pup, not her alpha. He let it slide for now though, a small sigh leaving his lips. "There was just a meeting called for the whole pack, something like that will not be called for a while yet. As for training..." He paused, golden gaze flickering to Venus for a moment. He had yet to ask her, so he sought her approval in his next words. "I have been thinking of calling all Abavenian warriors for a little one on one training with either me, Motif who is my secondary and Venus, my highest ranking guard and currently head guard."

Bass paused then, sensing a bit of tension within the black and cream female beside him. "Venus poses a great idea. Why don't you two ladies have a look around Abaven, I am sure that there is no other guide better than her." He said in a slightly teasing tone, leaning over to bump his shoulder with Venus'. Bass was a jester after all, there was hardly a time when he was not making a pass at someone. "I just warn you again to take caution with Sabre, I would hate to see something happen to him."