
Hurt [open]


05-14-2013, 09:07 PM

Luana would smile at Ceto's concern for her and gently, she would nuzzle her maw into the scruff of his neck, burying her smile in the tuft of his fur. he was beautiful and she loved him! One day they would be married and they would have kids and life would be even more wonderful than it was now! She would never get up her light, never! It was the driving force behind her somewhat impulsive decision, she never wanted to see anyone she loved wounded again.

Her attention would return to Jupiter and at the soft compliment, the damsel would have the nerve to blush. The color dusting her cheeks and making her shyly tilt her head away. "Thank you Jupiter, maybe one day I'll be as great of a warrior as you no?" The damsel would laugh lightly, tail flickering behind her in her decision. "I'm fine to begin walking home... perhaps at a bit slower of a pace?" She would blush again ever so faintly, but the loss of blood had made her slightly dizzy and she didn't want to push it.

(((OOC: Tis fine by me!)))
