
Light Em Up!


05-14-2013, 09:11 PM

He would replay her notes in his mind, finding them to be incredibly soothing. He'd never tried humming or anything of the sort - it had never truthfully appealed to him until now. Perhaps he ought to give it a go, but certainly not in mixed company. He didn't feel like this was the place to debut his humming career - if he even had a hope of one. A smirk passed his lips as he thought of himself strolling around Seracia humming. It wasn't exactly the prettiest of pictures, but it wasn't bad either. He'd have to learn a song though, he couldn't go around stealing hers.. even if it was pretty and soothing.

She spoke up, dashing his compliment to pieces. She must not be used to getting them, or didn't like the attention. One way or another, it was clear she preferred to give rather than to receive. Gerhardt was the same way - though not as blatant about it as she was. Come to think of it, she was blunt in other areas too. Perhaps that was part of the reason he got along with her. She didn't sugar coat anything, she had no reason to. Gerhardt didn't like sugar-coating, it was foolish and quite frankly a waste of time. He had better things to be doing. "It's for that reason alone that you are amazing." She would probably dash that one too, but he said it anyway. Then, with a listless sigh, the King would stand atop his pedestal and leap to the earth below, kicking up a bit of dust as he landed. "I hate to leave such good company, but I have a few things to attend to before the day is through. I'll be seeing you soon, I'm sure. Until then, have a good day Elphaba." With that, and a flicker of his tail, the King slithered through the door and into the world that was Seracia.
