
The Tsanka and The Denaksa



2 Years
09-06-2014, 01:22 PM

Yes! There's a religion. The Tsanka belief in a supreme being that brought the world into existence for its own entertainment. This being is called the Creator and, since it is above the bodily constraints of the mortal world, is genderless. The Creator comes in three parts:
The Mother/The Father: This part of the Creator is seen as the disciplinarian. Males are typically punished by The Father and females by The Mother.
The Child: Also called The Boy, or The Girl, depending on how this part chooses to present itself. The Child is seen as the fun side of the Creator and gives gifts and blesses newborns. Anything that brings joy is considered the work of the Child, althoug acts of mischief are usually blamed on this part as well. An imaginary friend of a child of the Tsanka is usually considered to be The Child playing, although malevolent incarnations are always chalked up to be one of the lesser gods and depending on what they do to the Tsanka child, purging may be used to cleanse the spirit.
The Grandfather/The Grandmother: Shows affection. Rain after a drought, a successful hunt, easy or tragedy-free childbirth; really, anything that is considered positive or beautiful is accredited to The Grandfather or The Grandmother.
The lesser gods: These gods aren't considered part of the Creator, rather, they were created by Them. The lesser gods are rarely named and run the gamut of of purposes. Some love chaos and war, choosing to encourage beings who enjoy these qualities as well, and others are more peaceful and contemplative, choosing to encourage followers like them in similar endeavors. I might come back later and name some of these.