
Far From Over


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2014, 06:21 PM

A wolf made her way to him, and when his hazy eyes locked on her form she felt herself freeze. Raisa? No... it couldn't be. She was dead, she had to be dead. But it looked so much like her, coming towards him with a look of anger on her face. Had she come and rebuilt Ebony here? But how had she made it out alive? All these questions vanished when she grew nearer, she was lighter than Raisa, no gray on her body at all. His eye had deceived him, the lack of sleep playing tricks on his weary mind. Letting his body relax he eyed the smaller gal, waiting for her to speak to him. She told him that these were pack lands, making a laugh rumble in his chest. "I am not daft, blood-sister." He said softly, folding himself on his rump right on the other side of the invisible boundary. "I have not trespassed, have I? I was simply curious as to whom named a pack the same as the name my homeland pack bore." She was young, no matter how she tried to hide it he knew it. How young was not known, although he would have never guessed that she was just a year.

Her name came next, stating she was Raisa's first born. His auburn jaw nearly dropped, his eyes opening wide. "She -- she's alive? How?" Were his whispered words of wonder, a sound that could only be described as a breathy laugh left his maw. "That sneaky little girl, I knew that she wouldn't be torn down by those vipers." All signs of his grumpy self left him, the news seeming to awaken his very soul. She was a strong woman, and a clever one at that. He knew that she would not have allowed such a fate to fall upon her. Realizing his manners, he dipped the lower half of his body in a sign of respect. "Forgive my rudeness, Lady Valeriya. I am Fendar Xanilov, son of Lizanna Xanilov. I am glad to see that the Xanilov's once more hold a crown, it is only a shame that there are not more of us." Sadness echoed in his voice, a soft sigh uttered from his lips. War and death had torn his family apart, and yet... Here they were, ruling a new Ebony once more. His blood was meant to rule, and all he sought to do was protect them. "If my Queen would allow it, I would humbly offer my services as her person guard and protector, if one has not been assigned to you already. I seek to protect all Xanilov's and see to it that our throne is not stolen from us again." His eyes shimmered at he gazed at her, feeling much more alive than he had in two years.

Fendar was a great warrior, a strong and just fighter. He would gladly protect those of his blood, but pointless war would not be allowed. He had seen enough bloodshed, violence was something he saved for those who dared harm him or his family again. Still images of the coup plagued his mind, keeping him from the slumber that his body so needed. That was why he was always grumpy, usually going days without sleep until his body finally collapsed and he blacked out, the darkness comforting him with its lack of images. Blinking his full attention now lay on the young Queen, awaiting her words.