
The Return Of The Music



09-06-2014, 07:08 PM

(OOC: Sorry for not replying fast enough everyone)

She had been happily content laying there watching the children play while the hot sun beat down on her back. The heat and peace surrounding the family was slowly lulling her to sleep. Life couldn't be more prefect, given if only they had old Valhalla back and around them. Just as her eyes closed and head laid down on her paws a howl called out. At once her head snapped up, body tense with alertness and a protective surge for her pups. But before she could even assess anything Cael was going to greet the caller. Loach was already moving to follow and though she gave a sharp bark for him to return, it was a little too late.

She scrambled to her paws, now realizing who had howled out and joy vibrated through her. Another pup was just about to follow suite of their father, but not before she could call her son back.Don't you even think about it! She said sternly, patted to earth for Ardal to come to her. Eyes looked down at her daughter trembling under her and soothed her before picking her up and instructing Ardal to follow her closely. With the other two pups in tow she would make her way to a reunion she had once given up on. Her eyes were greeted with the sight of Surreal, Amia and a white male who no doubt looked much like a wolf she knew.

Setting Shikoba down at her paws and feeling Ardal press into her she bent to nuzzle both pups gently, tail wagging. She sat there quietly till her eyes landed on Amia and she could have nearly burst into tears. Leaping forwards she reached out to hug the girl and shower her in nuzzle.Amia my dear! your alright and safe! Thank the moon! She paused to eye the white male before whispering into Amia's ear, And with a handsome male too! She gave a toothy grin before she heard a voice she had longed to hear from. The very wolf who helped her find herself again, trained her and embraced her into the family. Turning she watched Erani greet her apparent son, no wonder why he looked so familiar, then everyone else.Erani no one blames you for anything. You did all you could, and more for the pack. You were and the best thing for Valhalla. We're just glade you are safe and sound. Plus you have Grandnephews and a Grandniece to meet. She said happily as she looked back to see Ardal try to pounce on Laoch and Shikoba shuffling closer to Dev.
