
Slavery is a crime[Joining]


05-14-2013, 09:40 PM
Sure, he would have to explain how his rank meant nothing in the lines of being a long lost prince to a kingdom that destroyed itself long ago. Not to mention the family he had in Valhalla in which, he didn't care for at all. His brother was nothing more then an idiot who couldn't tell danger if it were right in front of him. Dragneel looked at the girl for a moment, was he possibly stepping on the wrong lines now? The last thing he wanted to do was be a disappointment. "I'm from farther south a dry land. My family was a band of rogue's. Apart from the training of thieves and bandits I have no formal pack training." Dragneel was trying to withstand the test as much as he could. He was young, a bit blind hot tempered at times. Yet he was loyal, fast, cunning and could easily learn when someone told him or wished to teach him something.

This pack of all of them seemed to be one with a lot more security then the others. It had a strange feel to it. Behind the scenes kind of things that Dragneel never liked to medal with in the first place. He just hoped he'd find a way and a place in here. If the queen here was pleased.