
Alliance for Secretua

Rune I


5 Years
09-06-2014, 08:04 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The call was not answered right away, though only because it took a minute for Rune to recognize it for what it was. Ever since its creation, Secretua had been a secluded little place, still just as small and family-based as when it had been created and claiming only one visitor to its borders since that time. That sole visitor had been more of an accident truthfully, just a young girl on the search for her family that had once lived here, before Rune and Secretua had come in and inadvertently kicked them out. He had felt bad about it, almost to the point that he was willing to offer her sanctuary within the pack lands, but she had been too pressed to find her family again to hear it and having a strong sense of family himself Rune had let her go. Calls from those who wandered nearby, either gathering their rogue partners together or simply calling to lonely strangers, were rather common, but the purpose behind this call had been clear and distinct. This was not a random call; this was specifically for him.

And the realization of it made him wary. His dark paws tread silently upon the ground of the Gulley as he headed upward along its incline toward its outermost edge, following pathways through the densely forested locale that were familiar to him but that he hoped would remain invisible to outsiders. That was the wonderful thing about the Gulley: for all its beauty and welcoming appearance, it was a maze of greenery and vegetation that shielded the pack from unwanted, unwelcome eyes. It had done well in providing the pack with a safe place to house their densite, and Rune hoped that it would protect them as well as it did shelter them.

Eventually the slight incline lessened and the thick vegetation shrunk away to leave the burly grey male on flat, open ground, and he lifted himself into the proper posture and authority of the Guardian and Alpha that he was as his pale gaze landed on the stranger awaiting him there. She was seated there just outside of the Secretua border, smiling in an almost carefree manner though her tall stature and strength were not overlooked. The nearer he drew to her, however, the more she seemed to stir some sense of recollection within him, and at first he almost misidentified it. Her coat, that undeniably unique russet shade, reminded him strongly of his own aunt and the vibrant red coat that had solely been hers. But there was something else about this woman, something that mingled with memories of his aunt and the pack she had once ruled, that made her familiar...

His pale, frosty gaze had already been narrowed as he approached the unnamed woman, but now his authoritative stance became more guarded and defensive, a low, intolerant growl starting up deep within his chest despite the fact her scent was no longer tainted by that of Covari. Wherever it was Viridiana had disappeared to it was not within another pack, or else he would have assumed to find traces of his aunt here now upon one of those he knew to have been loyal to her. He recognized her fully now, having seen this woman himself during the sole pack meeting he had attended and watched her lose her temper in such a manner that made him wonder why his aunt had chosen to surround herself with wolves who could barely control themselves instead of her own flesh and blood. His tone when he finally stopped before her and spoke held no kindness, nor any curiosity over whatever purpose she might have had in being here. Instead it was cold and flat, asking a simple demand in a voice that brooked no welcome for this unwanted visitor, "What do you want?"