
The Return Of The Music



09-06-2014, 08:07 PM
Amia Tulip

As she had nudged Castiel, he would nudge her back, pulling a grin more brilliantly than already. She always felt more as ease with him there at her side. Though she was beginning to wonder if he could see through she shield and notice something was wrong. Playfully though she would bump her hip into him lightly, enjoying this bumping game with him. And if she wasn't carefully she was sure it would turn into a pouncing rolling wrestle. Well maybe if it was someone else. Castiel was always careful with her because of their size difference. But believe it of not she was sure she could take on a fair share of roughing up. She might be small but she was stubborn when it came to given in. One day he'd learn that.

As Erani rushed to greet Castiel, Imena appeared to rush at her. She greeted her with open paws, literally. She jumped up, front paws stretched up to hug Imena around the neck while she whine as the dark women nuzzled her. Their reunion was intense enough to nearly knock Amia over. She missed Imena so much, the women had been like a mother to her since the day she came to Valhalla. Imena had been the one to help her through her nightmares, had helped her begin to heal. As the two females clamed down and Imena turned back to Erani to speak, Amia would settle herself down by Castiel once more.

She would be laying if she said she wasn't surprised when Castiel fixed her with his golden gaze and asked if she was alright. Of course she was! This reunion couldn't be more rewarding for the both of them. But then again she didn't think that's what he meant. Her blue eyes would look down at her paws for a moment. Maybe she should tell him. After all she was sure by now he had witnessed her during one of her nightmares. She couldn't hide it forever. But now wasn't the time for it."Yes for the most part. I'll tell you later. For now lets enjoy being with family once more." She answered back softly.