
I Just Killed My Boyfriend

The Judge


09-06-2014, 08:47 PM
So Sorry for the wait! I've been so swamped with RL. I was unable to get ahold of Muse so I tried to make my best effort and refer to other Tier 1 judgings to get an idea. Anywho here goes!

Artemis v Sibelle for Maim

Round 1

10 for clarity- Post was clear

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses. +1 defenses

10 for attack. +3 shoulder attack +3 jaw attack +1 maim attempt +3 paw swipe

10 for injuries. first round

Round one Total: 50/50 - hot dam Aly?. 0_o


2 for clarity--2 where on her ribs did Art's strike land (I can assume Art hit her target exact but we aren't supposed to make assumptions. sorry!) -2 after her paw lands what part of her is she hoping to use to throw her weight into Artemis? -2 Where on Art is she hoping to strike with her weight? I can't visualize the points of contact. -1 which left paw is Sibelle attacking with (sorry you have to specify no matter how obvious it might seem) -1 which of Art's right paws is Sibelle attacking (same issue here)

5 for powerplaying. -3 I didn't see you respond at all to Art's attempt at a paw swipe? -2 you need to have her attempt to throw her weight into Artemis

10 for defenses.+1 for each seen

6 for attack. +3 bite +2 paw attack (point deducted for clarity) +1 throwing weight (points subtracted for clarity and pp)

10 for injuries.first round

Round one Total: 33/50

Round 2


4 for clarity--2 as Sibelle is attacking the right side of Art's throat I don't understand how Art's movement to the right avoids a grip when it feels her neck is moving right toward Sib's jaws. I feel like she must've ducked or something for the attack to fall as it did but it's not terribly specific -2 what part of Sibelle collided with Art when she threw her weight? -2 "jaws would successfully rake down the upper portion of her own right-sided neck" I feel this needs to be more specific, where on the upper right side of the neck? Near the head? the middle? back near the shoulders? [[note this is the main thing I wanted to ask Muse about. When I read upper I think of the dorsal side of the neck. I have a suspicion that others read upper as near the head but I don't know and had to go with how I interpret it. Sorry!

10 for powerplaying.none seen

10 for defenses.+1 for each seen

6 for attack. +2 paw swipe +3 jaw attack +1 maim attempt
6 for injuries. -2 bruising to shoulder -2 jaws to neck

Round two Total: 36/50


8 for clarity--2 how much damage was done from Art's grip on her leg? -2 how much damage was done from Art's jaw attack?

8 for powerplaying. -2 Sibelle forcing Art's neck down hinges on her bite attack succeeding

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack.+3 bite +1 maim +1 trying to force neck down[[nother thing to verify with muse]]

7 for injuries.-3 severe bite to leg

Round two Total: 38/50

Round 3


10 for clarity-Clear post

10 for powerplaying.none seen

10 for defenses.+1 for each

+3 bite +1 severity +1 nail attack +2 chest push

7 for injuries.-3 severe lacerations to face

Round Three Total: 44/50


6 for clarity--2 "would grip the outer (and upper) left side of her neck." Where on the upper neck? I've no idea what you mean by outer. [[again this is something I wanted to bring to Muse. I read upper as the dorsal side of the neck, so going with how I interpet it. Sorry!]] -2 what is the severity of damage done by Art's attack?

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses.+1 for each seen

5 for attack.+3 jaw attack +2 paw wrap

7 for injuries. -3 neck wound

Round Three Total: 38/50


Artemis: 130/150

Sibelle: 109/150

And the winner is...

Artemis! Sibelle must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. The partial blinding is successful.


probably irrelevant due to the wait, sorry!


*see the actually judging. I don't have anything to add down here really you guys did great! Sorry, I'm tired haha xD

- By [Lunarcat7]