
Far From Over



3 Years
09-06-2014, 09:08 PM

He asked her to forgive his excitement and how could she not? It was always good to be excited by family, and in this case even more so. Valeriya have not even known this brute existed only a short time ago but now he stood before her and she could feel the spark of a deep bond beginning to form. "To hear her tell it, though she spoke of the coup only on the rarest of occasions," Val allowed, "Mother came upon the fringe of the fighting just as it began, and was able to escape, though was pursued for quite some time." True to her word, Raisa had only told her children the bare necessities of the coup so that they would know their history and the warning history might offer. Val found herself hoping every day that she might not only rebuild the empire that had fallen, but build it better than before. "As for my siblings," she said, allowing a bittersweet smile to come onto her face, "There are five of us. Or were, maybe. Three have gone missing... I have a brother here in Ebony with me, Kassander. The eldest. My sisters Sindri and Svetlana have disappeared, along with my other brother Sigmarr." She let out a long sigh, and dropped her gaze to her paws. She would not admit the guild that gnawed at her, how she should have been there, not yet. She did not know this man and that was just recently something she allowed herself to consider, late at night when sleep would not come to her. "I suppose we must have some knack for wandering off in our blood, huh?" She allowed herself a dry chuckle. You're all starting to give me hope that maybe we have a knack for finding out way back again too, though, she told him without telling him.

His conviction to server seemed as certain as dawn and dusk. With a gracious nod she squared her shoulders with him and dipped into a quick bow. "I am honored to have such a great warrior at my side. I officially welcome you into Ebony as an Ebon Knight." she said gravely. However, upon rising, much of the seriousness in her face and posture melted away. "To begin with, you should probably know I'm not much for standing on courtesy, except for formal stuff." A ringing peal of laughter, light with youth and merriment, bubbled out from within. "Mother did her best with us, I promise, but I've always been a bit wild, all things considered." Running with rogues for a few moons would do that to a princess, she supposed. She hoped that it wouldn't change Fendar's opinion of her but hey, if he was going to spend time with her he should know that from the get-go. "And all those fancy titles are great around strangers and acquaintances, but Val works just as well. C'mon, I'll show you around." Val would turn and bound forward a few paces, her lithe body coiling and releasing with the strain of muscles growing more powerful every day. She painted a pretty picture, auburn coat flashing in the sunlight. Even if her build spoke good breeding, the light in her eyes spoke of an excitement that could only come from a charismatic young spirit.

"Talk" "You" Think