



09-06-2014, 09:45 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had sat waiting within the Emerald Valley as the meeting that had taken place deteriorated in the other territory belonging to Olympus, her ears nervously set back against her head and her tail twitching almost incessantly against the grasses that surrounded her. The whole ordeal had caused her anxieties to heighten to a full alert, nervous of what she had walked out on and even more nervous of what she might find if and when she was allowed to return. Whatever had happened between the Olympus family had been none of her business, and had she been alone she would not have cared so long as it meant she still had a welcome here when all was said and done. But she had two children to think about, a son and a daughter who needed her to protect them, and Ashtoreth hardly felt right being here and not understanding the implications and dangers it might mean for her children.

Words had been racing about her head, different ways in which she might be able to question her possible new leaders about what had happened and whether the conflict had been remedied completely. The nervous grey hunter had still not quite decided on what she would say even as her scanning, two-toned gaze finally alighted again upon the dark woman and her mate as they wandered their way to join them. She was on her feet even before they had stopped and called out to those who remained to gather near, and with glances at both Cador and Vaishya urging them to follow she set off toward the Matriarch and Patriarch of the pack.

Her steps slowed before she reached them and forced herself to complete the last few feet of the short journey, standing rather than sitting. With her head low, her eyes glancing between both leaders, she asked with great uncertainty, "Is everything okay?"