
Far From Over


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2014, 10:49 PM

He let out a soft sigh when she spoke of Raisa leaving the coup before it began. Good, she had not been there to witness the horrors of it all. But to be persued for so long would do things to one's mind, so he didn't blame the poor woman for losing herself for a little bit. "Well, she has left a very capable woman to lead in her stead." He said softly, auburn tail thumping upon the landscape a few times. He knew that she was young, and to lead a pack like that was a challenge for sure. But she looked to have all her ends tied, and all seemed quite well. He had faith in this girl, he really did. He had no doubt that the Xanilov blood was strong within her, she was the first born daughter of Raisa after all. He made a note about her vanishing though, perhaps one day he would go out and search for her and try to bring her back home. To see her save and to protect her would bring him much happiness. His ears stood at full attention as she mentioned five siblings, her voice grew somber at the mentioning of them going missing. He let out a soft rumble sound, almost like a reassuring sound to ease the young Queen's mind. Xani's had a habit of wandering off, that was for sure. They held adventurer in their bones, but in their heart there was always a longing for home. When her question was posed to him, he allowed himself to slightly bend forward, brushing his nose against her shoulder from his seated position. "Xanilov's always knows where there home lays Lady Valeriya, when the time comes they will all return back home. We may long to explore every ends of the earth to meet all the challenged out there, but look at me. I wandered from far away lands and my paws -- and my heart -- brought me right here to you. Give them time Lady, and they will come back to you." Fendar's words were soft and wise, coming from someone who knew the truth in his own words.

Talk of politics and ranks came next, the Queen naming him an Ebon Knight. His own shoulders squared as his large form sat at its tallest, taking the rank with head high and pride in his eyes. He would go to the ends of this world and the next to protect Ebony and all the wolves within it. Family or not, Ebony was always his home and his pride. As she rose from her bow, the wall that seemed to have been up shattered, her youth shimmering through as she warned him of her mischief. His two-toned eyes narrowed slightly as he smirked at her. "I am ready to chase your tail down a river if I have to." He teased, although his words rang true. If he had to climb up a damn tree to rescue her he would. He would let out a soft laugh as she mentioned titles, it was how he had been raised. To call her Val seemed a bit silly, but of course he would listen to what the girl said. After all, it did ware a bit thin at times. "Fendar for me. If you call me Fen I might just push you into that river." A joke -- or was it? His eyes danced with humor though, pulling himself off the landscape as she bounded off in front of him. He was big, so it only took a few strides to catch up with her. Metallic eyes roamed the landscape as he took in his new home, the New Ebony that he would protect with his very life. "Do you run this pack alone, or is there a boy out there that I should keep my eye on?" Fendar wasn't usually like this, but his grumpiness had vanished with all these delightful things happening.

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