
I Just Killed My Boyfriend


09-06-2014, 10:54 PM

Her fangs had not met their intended mark, but they still met flesh. Blood teased her tasted blood, fueling her desire to end her adversary. It didn't matter that she only grabbed flesh, vitals hidden safely beneath roles of fur and fat. Fangs would release her neck, much to her surprise, but before she move, fangs closed around her face. She stared in horror at the inside of her opponents mouth, jaws clamping down with painful force. Fangs dug into her flesh before pain erupted violently over her face. A strangled cry would leave her jaws, releasing pale flesh as she reared back. Blood spewed from her socket, pain throbbing enough to make the world spin. She would stumble back, her world immediately going black. Panic swelled in her chest, but vicious words would calm her.

Lips curled back in snarl, her head tipping in an attempt to find her enemies face. Turning to her left, she would catch the pale wench as she moved away, leaving the scene. What did Vi have to do with this? Hackles remained bristled as she stumbled from the battlefield. The loss of her eye made her clumsy, wary of her movements. Her heart thundered with a newfound panic, she couldn't see anything to her left. Audits swiveled, straining to hear as she fled home. Pain make her clumsy, her lack of vision only adding to it. Forgotten was the claim for her fathers life, all she wanted was to be home.


image copyrighted to Lakela on dA