
Sweep me off my feet


09-06-2014, 11:18 PM

He would usher a greeting back at her, the single word rolling strangely off his tongue. He met her gaze easily, his name rolling off his tongue. "I'm Basanti." She would dip her head fractionally in response. He was composed of various shades unlike anything she had ever seen. All her sibling had been dark grays and blacks and whites. But he was creamy, golden, beige, so many colors that caught her attention. But his pelt was not nearly as shocking as Nemesis's russet. His eyes were a vibrant orange, clashing with her emerald. An awkward silence would settle around them. He had said little, giving her little to build off of. "Soooo, you're from Olympus?" She would rock back and forth, a smirk curling her lips as she peered across the border at him. What was she supposed to say to someone so quiet? She was at a loss, which was unusual for her. In an attempt to keep herself still, haunches would recline to the earth, tail curling around her hips gently, eyes focused on him, ears at attention. He had her full attention,, whether or not he wanted it.
