
I am the Lorax


09-06-2014, 11:25 PM

Sometimes wolves climbed trees. The little cub knew that, but he didn't know how they did it. They had such stubby little claws and a short little tail. By now he was the size of a small wolf, and weighed about ninety-six pounds. He was definitely a growing boy. This was the first time since meeting his new dad that he had wandered away from home, but he was curious to see what was beyond his home. He had bid his dad farewell for the day and began to venture northward into colder lands. Thank the gods he had a thick pelt. His striped coat stood out like a beacon against the snow, and he was such an easy target. Kaleidoscope eyes flicked across the landscape every few feet, gawking at the wonderful snowdrops and caps.

Ahead of the boy was a forest, and what he could hear was a wolf climbing a tree. Playfully he would trot toward the noise and gaze up in the tree, looking for any strange things in the trees. Eventually he found; oh gods! A wolf in a tree! Just what he had been looking for. He would gently ease from side to side, as he cocked his head in a playful tilt. "Well, that's a weird place to put a wolf."


thanks luis <3