
The Storm Sings Fiercely [Event]



7 Years
09-12-2014, 04:22 PM

Wind battered the willows, sending the fronds billowing nearly horizontally. While the area she and her small unit of family and friends were residing in wasn?t in the brunt of the storm that had rolled in, overnight, it was still fierce. Rain lashed the earth from a burgeoning sky, roiling with furious black clouds. Dawn had risen, but you could hardly tell to look at the sky. She settled within the confines of a higher area, under an outcrop of rocks, ears planed out an distaste. She?d been snoozing out in the open, and the sky had dumped a deluge of rain on her. Then it had started thundering. Wasn?t there some rule about it thundering first, then raining?

She hoped the rest of her unit was safely denned in a high area; with the streams running through, and the river that fed the sea not far off, flooding was as much a danger here as in the worst hit areas. Falk had gone out to hunt, she recalled. Her heart fluttered with worry for him, and she fought the urge to charge out and find him. He was a strong, tall male, and could take care of himself. But, there as always the danger of him wandering into a bad area, and being hit over the head again. Anxiety flooded through her. A flash of lightning lit the dooms-day dark sky outside, A spare second later, there was a ripping sound, followed by a crescendo of thunder, loud enough to rattle the loose stones at her paws. The wind howled like a funeral dirge. Surreal forced herself to curl at the back of the shelter, and wait out the storm.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.