
I feel it in my bones - CLAIMING


09-07-2014, 12:01 AM

This poor child.

He didn?t speak, merely buried his head into his fur as Allen wrapped his body slightly around the younger male. He had seen the tears, felt the heartache even without needing an explanation. This woman, who walked within their midst, had unknowingly tore open such sore wounds that were slowly healing over and making them bleed anew. It had surely been unintentional, but at the same time the timing of it had surely been horrible, and the calico could only do his best to still his own emotions to aid the children.

He never had the honor of knowing their mother... But the reminder of one parent being lost would link with Hajime?s own. It was the loss of Hajime that would strike his heart, but he also knew his nephew found a new place for himself... And so had his sister. He had debated speaking with the children about it, wondering how they may feel about such knowledge. It had helped him... And perhaps, Allen thought, it might ease their own hearts. But not now... No... Now was certainly not the time for it.

More would appear too... A female and a male. The female came first, wearing an odd thing around her neck of green coloration. Her eyes were bright red, and were it not for her tail he might not have guessed at her relation. It was the second wolf, the male, that truly made Allen aware of who the duo were. His coat bore a stronger likeness to Quelt?s own... And he called him brother. So that settled it then... These were two of Quelt?s siblings.

Gaze would shift from them back to Ixionn, however, and young Aiko pressed to his side. Closing his eyes Allen began to hum to them. It was a special song... One he had not completely learned the lyrics to, in either language... It was a song that someone special had sung to him, made for him, to ease his own heartache. The song that Nona composed. The brute was hoping that, perhaps, the tone might soothe the children some. This hardly seemed the place for them at this moment, despite the claim that Quelt dared to stake on these lands.

"Speech", 'Thought'