



5 Years
09-07-2014, 12:31 AM

Her sharp intake of breath is what made him bite harder, chuckling darkly as he let her go and she swatted him playfully with her tail. Oh how he wanted to lock his jaws around that furry appendage and pull it until she cried out. He wanted her screams to fill the darkness, to feel it vibrating against his chest. He was not only lusting for her body but for her very blood, a passion of pleasure and pain. And this girl dealt it back out, something that he was not accustomed to. She twirled her tail, washing her heat scent towards her and making him breath it in deep. She asked for him to make her bleed, to rip her apart. "If I tore you apart you would be so much harder to fuck, dear Hawk." He whispered, lingering above her form. He stepped around her so that he was directly above her, legs grasping at her fine hips. Nibbling along her spine he drew himself closer and closer to her, teasing her with his closeness. With a growl he opened his jaws and locked into her scruff, jaws clamping down just as he thrust himself into her.


Their joining had been violent and rough, his body sore as he stepped off of the wench. Blood soaked his crimson fur, and he didn't know if it was hers or his own blood that darkened his coat. Panting he grinned at Hawk, her fur all tossed about just as his probably was as well. "I rather like you Hawk, not all woman I fuck are quite like you. Perhaps we shall meet again and do this more often." He said with a chuckle, lapping at the blood that dotted his chest.