
Today This Ends



09-07-2014, 10:09 AM

Her eyes were adjusted to the darkness but in her disorientation she knew not what she was looking at. When the orange form would turn a corner she?d gasp her heart sinking as he moved closer. His words would only intensify the lost and helpless feeling, had the visions not been accompanied by the intense pain she would have very much wanted to believe she was dreaming. Maybe she was. She?d hear his evil laugh and feel the urgency in his touch, but still this couldn?t be reality. "No!" her voice was hoarse and whiney, "No, no, no, no, no, no..." Though she had little choice she would be erected, his voice once again echoing off the wall of the crypt. Her eyes were wide, but her mind was panicking. The word ?no? would repeat over and over in her head as she mindlessly followed the orange stranger.
At least once before she saw daylight again another contraction would overtake her, another scream would burst from her as she was forced to her knees. Anguished cries would fill her ears as she crumbled beneath the pain. She wasn?t ready for this, surely it was a dream. She?d only been in the crypts for a night, how was this possible? Her recovery would be slow, but she?d allow Charaz to lift her once again and direct her the rest of the way into the light. The sun?s ray were harsh and unforgiving as her unused eyes were exposed yet again to the light of day. She?d have to rely on the brute next to her for a time, and then she?d see for herself that he did not lie.
