
Politics & Pretty Women, Love 'Em Like Clinton



3 Years
09-07-2014, 10:45 AM

Valeriya could tell the day was making out to be a hot one. The air was heavy and thick with humidity and Val found her coat to be a bit thicker than she'd prefer. The young queen languished in the shade of a crumbling wall, entrapped by the maze of stonework long since left to time. It was quiet, and provided a modicum of relief from Helios' brutal gaze. When the howl reached her, Valeriya frowned. It seemed an unusual day to come calling, brutal as it was, but she considered that it might be important tidings. When a graceful shove she pushed her body upwards and began to make her way along the over grown paths between the the walls.

It was no great trek from where she had been to where she was bound, and the visitor's dark coat stood out in stark relief against the withered backdrop. He held himself with easy grace. As Val came to a stop several lengths away she realized that not only was this male a bit smaller of frame than herself, but he seemed to be about her age. "Greetings, stranger," she said amiably. "Welcome to Ebony. What can I do for you?" She saw no reason to reveal her station to him, not yet anyways. She might as well see what he wanted, first. He was surrounded with a regal aura and Val wondered what his own breeding might be worth. She waited patiently, with and open and easy expression, for the dark stranger to respond.

"Talk" "You" Think