
Today This Ends



09-07-2014, 10:55 AM

This would easily become the most horrendous of days. Her body was begging for her to stop, though she was forced to the ground it would take Charaz little effort in standing her back up. She?d feel his teeth in her flesh as the need to move would override the urge to stay. Pitiful whines would be released from her throat, though he?d bring about silence as he told her of Ludicael. At the mention of Dhiren she?d again feel that overwhelming pang of guilt. What had she done to him? How could she go back when she was about to give birth to this monster?s child. He wanted this, this orange beast would leave her at the edge of Dhiren?s territory just to mock them. He?d instilled his seed within her and now it was about to blossom. Would Dhiren even accept her back?
He?d give her not time to think as he pushed her forward, her paws would carry her feebly, she would rely on the support of her keeper?s shoulder to remain on her feet. She?d whine, protesting in every way except stopping. This couldn?t be happening to her. How? How had she woken up pregnant and ready to give birth? This wasn?t right it couldn?t be! As the faint scent of Sawtooth would reach her nose another cry would emerge from her gritted teeth. Another contraction would have its way with her, forcing her to the ground. She?d feel her body preparing for this child?s birth as she curled into a fetal position. The pain was too much, it hurt too bad. How could she do this?
