
Today This Ends



09-07-2014, 01:57 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2014, 02:02 PM by Dhiren.)

They moved in unison, pup in Song's mouth as they walked to the abandoned den. Once everything was settled, Dhiren followed his mother outside. They stood away from the entrance, making sure to stay out of Guinevere's ears. His face remained hardened as he looked at Song, bi-colored gaze cold as she asked him of his knowledge. Head slowly turned to look out at the last lines of trees before opening to Sawtooth's vast lands.
"She came from Valhalla to live be with me, upon my invitation." His voice was the same as his eyes: cold. "Then she turned two and everything changed. She left the pack lands to explore and was taken over by a complete stranger. He took her for his and when she returned, she was devastated by what had happened. I forgave her and we tried to work on our relationship..." Dhiren was surprised with himself, for he usually told Song everything that went on his life.
His voice remained cold as he continued. "She said she was going to visit her sister in Regium, which is now called Ethereal. She said it would only be for a week or two, and that she would be back..." A growl slipped from pursed lips as he kept his gaze on a nonspecific mark on a faraway tree. "That was weeks ago. How could I have been so blind to not know?!" Dhiren rose upon all fours, immediately pacing in a small circle. "Now she shows up out of nowhere, with no warning made. She gave birth to his children, without an explanation." He stopped walking and slowly looked at his mother. "They're not mine; there wasn't a chance in hell that they would belong to me." A low growl slipped from his lips again and he looked away from Song again. "I can't believe she would do this...It's not like her...How am I supposed to absorb all of this, Mama?"
