
Pain, without love. Pain, can't get enough - PAIN!


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-07-2014, 02:27 PM

The man didn't wander often, but the heat of the summer was driving him mad. So he roamed around, hoping that he could at least make his body weary enough to the point where he could just collapse and pass out without the fear of his past haunting him. The coup waited behind his closed eyelids, daring to repeat itself whenever he sought slumber. Grumbling the man kicked at the sooty land, making a puff of ash blow up and hit him in the face. Letting out a growl he shook his auburn coat, which of course only stirred up more and more ash. "Damn it all to hell!" The tall man roared, standing very still as the soot settled around him. Metallic eyes narrowed as he huffed, not really wanting to move any more. His auburn coat was covered in a thin layer of the burnt woods, making his eyes narrow even further. He was too wrapped up in all of this that he did not catch the golden female watching him from the shadows. The grumpy man just fell to his rump, once more scattering the once settled ash. "I give up." The regal man muttered, quite cross at the world at the moment. All he wanted to do was get up and find somewhere to wash off, but he knew that he would only make things worse. So he just sat there, more black particles settling around him. Mumbling under his breath he scanned the area, wondering if there was anyone lingering who had been watching his little mishap.

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