
Nothing Else Matters



09-07-2014, 02:59 PM

She smelled him before he even appeared. The golden vixen had her mind tearing between two different parts of herself: the bitch that could tear him to shreds or the silent woman that thought he wasn't worth her time. Both personas melted into one and she listened to the words that slipped from his mouth. Ears delicately flattened upon her skull as she turned to look at him with a stone cold gaze. Her face remained clear of any emotion as she took her time looking him up and down. A specimen if she ever saw one...but she wasn't going to tell him that.
Slowly, hackles began to rise around her haunches. Fur began to stick out around her slender frame, and muscles began to tense even more as she turned to face him. Her eyes narrowed as her upper lip curled and she moved her head back to make her scruff double in size. Body became more robotic as she moved, placing one golden paw in front of the other. Maija began to circle him, gaze moving up to his vibrant, crimson pools. Her perfume rose as her tail flicked behind her, possibly filling the male's nose with even more of her scent. She decided to answer his question, so as she came upon his left side (for she had started to circle him on his right), she said, "Not until you arrived."
Her Romanian accent was rich and desirable, curling around the few, chosen words that left her golden lips. As she continued to move, she wondered if he would be inclined to pursue her angry fa?ade, or back away and disappear. If he did the latter, she wouldn't chase him. Why go after someone that couldn't tolerate her at her worst? Such thoughts helped her weed out the unworthy of males.
After circling him, she took a bold step or two forward. Defenses remained in place as the anger continued to dance throughout her body. The willows moved in the wind around them as she kept up her outer shell, pondering what he would do next. "But," she darkly whispered, defenses rising high enough so her snarl became a wicked grin, "I bet you already knew that." A growl slipped from behind her lips as she took another step towards him. "Want to make it worse?" The desire for a challenge was evident in her question, eyes glinting a hint of lust that hadn't been satisfied in a long time.

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