
The youth is naive , wisdom is what we need.


05-15-2013, 03:27 AM

If nothing more from her subjects, she would demand respect. She would not tolerate blatant disregard of her person or of Nnoitra's, the foundation for everything began on a mutual of trust and respect. So far, not a single line had fallen from her jowls, not a single trick had escaped her. Everything she had spoken still rang true. She needed strong, powerful leaders, but they needed to be honest and respectful of her or such a relationship, such a bond would never work. She could not be Queen if she instigated such falsities. Her bodice swung from side to side as he took a moment to contemplate her words, she would allow him this, she had time, she always would when it came to her people.

His words seemed to do a one eighty, traveling from demanding and biting to thankful and complimentary. She was glad that her ideals and her visions for Tortuga were understood and seen for more than just a thirst for power, she wanted Tortuga, to expand, to grow into the impressive numbers it once held and she would do everything in her power to see as such done. "Thank you, for both the kind words and your loyalty. It tis refreshing to know that my ideals have not been completely unread. I appreciate your honesty." The dames head would dip slightly, humbly accepting his praise. Her smile would broaden slightly at such an admission and she would chuckle softly. "Than I am certain you will excel in what Nnoitra and I have planned."

His final words, he had offered her his opinion and nothing more, she would not take offense and instead a soft, barely there smile would curl her maw. "I am looking for much more in this tournament and these games than just a test of skill. I'm looking for honor, dignity, respect, the way they treat one another and handle the situation both before and after the fact is over. I have factored such things into my decisions, but I thank you all the same for your advice."
