
Slavery is a crime[Joining]


05-15-2013, 03:28 AM

He would fall into a short lapse of silence at her inquiry....curious. She was pleased to see him contemplating her words, it showed he had a brain, he possessed the ability to think things through and weigh his options. He wasn't merely blurting the first idea that popped within his head. When finally he would speak he was short, simple, and to the point. She could ask for more about this stranger, but truthfully she had heard and seen all she needed to know. The Queen had made her decision. Rolling her shoulders back and standing just a little straighter, a soft smile would drift across her maw, hardly noticeable, but still there. "I see no reason to deny you entry into my pack Dragneel, my name is Desdemona." She would pause and give him a minute to absorb the notion.

"In a little under a week, a tournament is being hosted, along with a series of games. Nnoitra..." She gestured to the male beside her. "...and I are selecting our betas, along with our leads of most everything else. It isn't mandatory for you to come, but you will be ranked as a slave should you fail to at least participate in one of the events. If you understand and accept this... welcome to Tortuga."
