
We Are Divines, The Apples In Their Eyes.



4 Years
09-07-2014, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2014, 03:34 PM by Anzhelika.)

"Mmm, Venus it is." Her voice would be soft toned with a more forgiving timbre than her usual one laced with hatred. She had gained a bit of respect for the obsidian and pale woman- Venus. The woman would offer up the challenge of bringing down a wild goat. . . Now, Anzhelika knew what a goat was, but she had never really seen one up close, much less hunted one. Yet, the ivory woman was used to fawns, but her favored one was small game. She wasn't sure how large goats could get, but knowing she was a fairly tall and large wolf herself, she would nod to Venus, tilting her crown into the air and taking a deep breath, nostrils inhaling the scent of the prey animal that the obsidian and pale woman had mentioned.

Her large, ivory bodice would pick up and run in the Western direction that the goat was located in, an easy gallop of a gait being held by the girl. She would casually drop into a low crouch in the grass, the sun beating it's firey rays upon her back. If she worked herself too much, the girl could over heat, and if she didn't catch the goat in time from being too slow, she would have failed. So the ivory woman would take a deep breath, keeping the scent of the animal familiar within her nostrils. She would slowly stalk up to the side of the goat, being granted a hiding place within some tall grasses and bushes. "Maehh-maehh," the goat went, the animal seeming to call out to his friend. But, his friend seemed long gone. Anzhelika would take another, deep sniff of the air, knowing the animal was just a few feet from the other side of the bush. She would slink her large bodice to her side of the bush, taking one final breath. All she had to do was pounce, and that poor, not to mention, pathetic- goat would be dead within her jaws. She exhaled a silent sigh and stuck her ass into the air, spreading her toes evenly and digging her claws into the earth for a spring. Her eyes would narrow into small slits, gold and violet orbs pinned forward for her hunt. Her ears would move against her skull, the girl taking in a quiet breath. Her core and abdomen would tense and finally her jaw would drop open and her nose and face would scrunch up in a silent snarl, revealing the girl's alabaster fangs.

Suddenly the wind would shift, sending the girl's scent into the wind, towards the direction of where the animal was grazing. The goat would hesitate, calling out before it began to gallop away. But Anzhelika used those precious moments it took for the animal to slowly start bounding away before it's gait changed into a gallop. She leaped through the bush in a high jump, quickly running behind the animal and pulling her paw against it's rump, attempting to slow the animal down and eventually make it lose it's balance. Anzhelika would once again drag her large paw and smack the hind-end of the goat, her second try making the goat lose it's balance and twist his legs out from under him, the animal tumbling to the ground on it's side with a loud 'thump'. "Maehh-Maehhhh!" It would cry hysterically for anyone's help, but Anzhelika would quickly step over the animal and clamp her jaws shut on his throat, shutting off it's cries forever.

She would sink her fangs into the animals throat and slowly pull back, picking her large, pale bodice up off of the now dead animal. She licked the blood from her alabaster fangs, her muzzle now temporarily stained with the crimson of blood. The heat had definitely worked her to a bit of her limits, so there she awaited Venus, large chest rising and lowering quickly as she panted.

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Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!