
oh my god, this is my song


09-07-2014, 11:39 PM

The large crow had been watching the boy and his strange pet, his head bobbing to and fro when he watched the boy beat the fish. B flinched slightly, he preferred swallowing the fish whole instead of pounding the fish to death ruffled his feathers. B would have swallowed it whole! It was then that the wolf's friend climbed upon the brown wolf, something that had him tilting his head even further. Green striped crest would move with him, trying to figure out what that blue critter that seemed to like the feeling of the wolf's fur on his belly. Finally, the bird had had enough of just watching, it was so boring! So he spread his wings, hopping down until he was at the last branch. Taking a leap into the air and a few flaps onto the ground, he hopped carefully towards the pup and his friend. Clacking his beak in a nervous way his head bobbed to and fro, always wary around the predatory beasts. But this one was young, and he liked pups. "B thinks you killed fish wrong, caw! Silly woof has to eat it while its still fresh! B likes them a lot better that way." He called, his yellow eyes resting on the strange creature atop the boy's head. He looked to scaly to eat, plus he had big scary claws and a strong tail. Not prey that B liked to pick on, oh no.

B looked at the masked wolf, his quick head movements making the elongated feathers on the crown of his head sway in the movement. "Oi, Oi! What is the silly lizard sitting on your head? B likes your colours sillt lizard, nice and blue! B doesn't have many colours, caw! More then most crows, yes yes!" He cawed happily, taking a few hops closer to the pup and poking his beak closer to the fish. "B likes fish, oh yes he does! Would smallish woof mind if B had some fish?" He asked, daring to take a few hops closer, beak pointed towards the fish even though his yellow eyes remained on the boy.