
A Lonesome Moon



09-08-2014, 12:12 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Well, it was official now. She and her family were a part of Olympus. It felt strange, so very strange, to call the place home, and honestly she was still trying to convince herself it was true. The pack was nothing like what Valhalla had been, and Ashtoreth knew that in a way, because she had been a part of them for so long, the transition she was making now was going to be that much more difficult because of it. How could she expect Olympus, with its multitude of differing customs and beliefs, to really reflect the pack that she had grown to care for and respect so much? It was never going to be exactly like what she wanted it to be. The sooner she accepted that, the better off she thought she would be.

But it still did not stop her from wondering. Where were they? Where had the pack gone after everyone had dispersed and exited what had once been Valhallan lands? She had panicked in that moment and ran with Leon and the kids, seeking merely to get away rather than to stay close to those she knew and trusted. She knew it had not been the wisest decisions, and now especially she wished her rational mate had thought to follow those that had left around them. If he had, maybe her family would have still been together. Maybe both he and Ashelia would still be here now.

The depressing turn of her thoughts had completely turned her mood in the wrong direction, and knowing her children were safe within Olympus's borders she sought to get away for a while. She did not want them to see her like this, so dejected and downtrodden by things that were far beyond the span of her control. Her paws carried her away from Olympus and back toward the single territory she had taken to keeping near around when she had tried to get her and her children into their current pack, the Whistling Willows welcoming her back with the quiet rustle of their many spindly branches brushing against each other as they stirred with her passing. Here she could be alone to further come to terms with her new lot in life. Here she could be alone with her sorrows.

Or so she thought. The lean grey hunter had not gotten very far into the shadowy wood when she caught a scent that stopped her dead in her tracks, her two-toned eyes widening with a sudden sense of disbelief. Could it be...? But...they had all gone their separate ways. How had a few members of Valhalla suddenly made it over this way, so close to Olympus territory, without her realizing?

In an instant Ashtoreth was tracking, following the scent as she tried to identify it. It was undoubtedly someone of Erani's family, of that much she had no doubt. But there were so many of them, and she had spent so little time socializing after she had finally become mates with Leon, that she could not soundly decide on who it was that she was following. Her dark nose twitched at the end of her muzzle as it led her along, her eager paws winding through the willows until she finally caught sight of the grey figure who stood there beneath their branches, his gaze cast skyward as if regarding the late night moon. She recognized him vaguely, his shape and coloration even in this light familiar, though the true details about him evaded her. With a gentle, confused sort of furrow about her brow, Ash approached him, quietly, and stayed at a distance, as if unsure if she was really seeing who she thought she was seeing.

"I remember you," she stated softly, foregoing any proper introduction since none would come to mind. In a way she half expected the familiar stranger to vanish and prove himself to be nothing but a delusion of her desperate mind. " were in Valhalla." Somehow it made him seem more real to say so aloud, to voice the connection that she had drawn from the moment she had seen him. And apologetically, cursing her poor memory as her ears folded against her head and she shuffled a bit on anxious paws, she added quietly, "I'm sorry, I don't remember your name."