
Among the Marsh's Song



09-08-2014, 12:29 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She could tell from the look that had fallen across the male's face that Aoto liked what he heard about as much as Ashtoreth and her mate did when they had lived through the events themselves. It really was such a horrible tragedy, to suddenly have their home and everything they had known and taken for granted be stolen away in one fell swoop, to suddenly be with nothing at all to their name save each other. She should have been grateful for that - at least all of her children were with her and Leon was still here to keep her sane as she cared for them - but at the same time it was not the life Ashtoreth had ever wanted for her family. She missed Valhalla, missed all of those how had once lived there, and wished somehow things could have been different.

The right words to respond to Aoto evaded her as he spoke of his wish that she eventually find a home for her and hers. What would he have said if she had given voice to the wish that still nestled itself deep in her heart, that somehow her old pack might rise again and call her family home? Would he have thought her foolish? Delusional? She did not know, nor could she guess, and honestly she did not care. She harbored that wish close to her chest and did not voice it for anyone, only nodding now to agree with what it was that he had said. She did wish that her family could find a home again. It was just a shame that the one she wanted was likely never going to be found again.

To her surprise, the brown male voiced an offer she had not seen coming, requesting to stay close for the duration of her family's stay here. Her jaw fell open slightly in disbelief, her gold and purple eyes blinking a few times as she waited, half expecting him to clarify his meaning in a different manner or take back what he had said entirely. But he did not. Instead he just looked toward her and her daughter, awaiting an answer that Ashtoreth was not sure how to come to. She knew Aoto meant well - he had always only ever had the best interest of others at heart, even if what he said made them slightly uncomfortable as she recalled from when they had last met - but how well might her family take to him? Would Leon trust him? Would the kids tolerate an extra set of eyes watching over them?

"I really appreciate your offer," Ashtoreth answered slowly after a moment, still trying to come to a decision as was likely evident by the furrow set upon her brow, "but I wouldn't want to get in the way of anything that you have going." Honestly, she did not want to bother him with troubles of her family. Her children were her responsibility, hers and her mate's and not his. It was generous, what he was willing to do to help her, but she felt horrible at the mere thought of placing that burden on him.