



5 Years
09-08-2014, 01:13 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

She could see that the demonstration the boy had just given had tired him out even more than he had been when she had first been found by him. It should have made her feel guilty, she supposed, for asking him to repeat the maneuvers that he had been trying to teach her when he was already out of breath and still recovering from the training that he had been doing before. But, then again, he had been the one to offer to teach her, and really she had almost turned him down. To his credit though, as a fighter and a teacher, he did not back down from her request, and she watched him closely as he answered her in the affirmative that he would demonstrate the motions again for her.

Just a little the girl straightened, becoming more attentive as Jak started over from the beginning, setting up the scene and going through each move as he spoke of it. Callisto listened to the instructions, watched the placement of his body, the movements that he made, and tried to envision herself doing the same. Sidestep. Turn. Dip. Raise. Lunge. The words wound their way through her skull, causing the muscles in her legs to fidget a little as she tried to remain still. She thought she understood it better now, at least better than she had before, but as for being able to execute the actions as artfully as her new teacher...

The poor boy was more winded now than he had been before his demonstration, but still he questioned again whether she had understood now what it was that he had been trying to teach. A little sliver of doubt still coursed through her mind, reminding her that she was in no way a fighter but solely a healer as it tried to stamp out any thought she had about recreating the movements that Jakart had shown her. Her brow still furrowed as she stared the male, glancing at his mismatched eyes with growing uncertainty even as he managed to offer her a smile. Feeling flustered and unsure of herself - why did she even bother with this stuff anyway? - Callisto looked pointedly away and turned her ears back against her head, her lips pursed as she deepened her frown. "I can't do it."