
Pain, without love. Pain, can't get enough - PAIN!


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-08-2014, 01:28 AM

Although he had given up on his battle with the ash, his eyes and posture somewhat relaxed at the two grew slightly more comfortable around each other. It wasn't like Fendar was quick to judge others, he was just very tired and easily irritated. He was a very well mannered man usually, but lack of sleep did strange things to creatures. This one seemed too to be hesitant, but he passed it off that it was due to her heat scent. He couldn't imagine how irritating it would be to broadcast to the world that they were ripe to be seeded. At least for him when he was feeling erm... in the mood -- it was a lot easier to conceal it than it was for a woman in heat. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly at his own thoughts, his two-tones gaze resting on the golden woman before him. She offered her name, although it was slowly bestowed upon him. "Pleasure, Maija Artenie." He said, most likely butchering her last name. It flowed much nicer on her tongue, it was too rough on his own. He had not heard of her calling before, but from the way that she asked about his family he knew that she did not know about his line either. No matter to him, these were not the lands that they were known well in -- yet.

Taking a deep breath the large male shook his coat, scattering more of the ash and dust that still clung desperately to his coat. He took in a deep breath, the story of his family was indeed a long one. Fendar decided to spare her the whole boring story, mulling over the more minor details that would be less of a drag. "My cousin runs Ebony, her mother came here from my old home lands to start a new pack after the coup. Most of my family died in the battle, the rest are just... well presumed to be the same way." He said, his eyes somber. It was a sad tale indeed, but one that he could not deny. It followed him no matter where he went, and he could not change the past even if he so desperately wanted to. "But what about you Maija, I do hope your story isn't quite as blue as mine." He said in a soft voice. His body still stayed still though, he would hate to stir up more of the burnt forest.