
Plus boy


09-08-2014, 01:46 AM

He was rather comfy up in these large trees, the shade hid him away from the fading summer heat. It really had been much to hot for a black bird to simply be about. Everything was fine, his eyes sliding closed for a little nap until something rustled against his tree trunk, and then talking to themselves. Clacking his beak together he opened his eyes to peer down at the blue wolf who sat below him. Golden gaze was narrowed, irritation making his feathers puff up. "Oi, oi! B is trying to sleep you stinky woof! Go and leave B alone, this is B's tree!" He cawed, head moving from side to side as he inspected the strange wolf. He had silly colours, blue was for water, not for wolves! Hopping a few more branches down so that he was closer to the strange wold, he shuffled down the branch until he was peering right down at the strange wolf. It wasn't really his tree, but B was in it so that made it is, right? Right!

After he inspected the wolf for any shiny objects, he clacked his beak together again. "Why are you wearing a mask? Are you hiding from B? Cause B can see you, caw! You aren't a very good hider, smelly water wolf!" He called, his green striped crest swaying with his constant head movements. "Does it come off? Can B have it?" It would look a little silly, a black mask on a black bird. But it would be his! And that was pretty cool, having things was a very good thing, oh yes! Lots of things.