
Little Trouble Makers (birthing thread)


09-08-2014, 01:46 AM

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The gentle nudge was not as comforting as his mate perhaps hoped. No... It served to heighten his anxiety. Wa-was it so bad? Ears pinned against his head guilt consuming his heart. What if he had killed his mate by convincing her to have his pups? What if she died birthing their children? What would become of them? Could he really keep them safe? Alive? His body would shudder, his legs feeling so weak as he watched her, his heart sinking in his chest as he heard the whine, body shaking. The smell of blood... It scared him terribly... But... But he couldn?t leave her. He just couldn?t.

Her words... They definitely didn?t help the rising fear in his heart. Kar could no longer hold back the tears that went along with his fear. His shaking was full force now, voice cracking as he let out a pitiful whine, the words barely a whimper. ?Don?t say that... Oh great Siri don?t say that! You have to make it Nalyda... You... You must... Please... Please...? He would flinch back, mind frantically working as he tried to think.

Yurella. His sister. She... She had to nearby, right? She would hear Nalyda... He hoped so anyway... Would come running... Look for help... Save his mate... The mother of his children. Kar would throw back his own head, distress in his voice as he howled with all of his strength for his sister, or even any healers who might be lurking nearby. They needed help, desperately.

Speech, Thought