
Aoto's Tome of characters & plots



4 Years
09-08-2014, 03:32 AM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2014, 03:35 AM by Aoto.)
Alrighty thought I would start one of these up to get my characters out there a little more so lets start this off with Aoto and go from there. *Note all characters listed here have clickable names that will take you to each of their profiles*


Just about anything can happen with Aoto as he is a rogue who is wandering about with his mate Tallulah and adopted son Trahearne. Any one who has any characters interested in meeting him would more than likely be able to as I'm open for just about any kind of plot with him. I'd prefer if he made more friends or just general acquaintances but rivals would also be more than welcome in the sense they are both healers so they might be able to learn from one another.


Ok now, Nona is still need of a actual relationship as I'd like for her to possibly have pups eventually however if her mate would be someone who is likely to harm her more than likely it won't last very long. However more friends for her would also be welcome but other ideas for plots can be used as well just shoot pms at me if you are interested in something particularly if you're interested in having Nona meet your character for that possible relationship/mating idea. *Note that more than likely there will be a song or two with most threads with Nona because that's generally how she is the song being in japanese but with a english translation added so those reading it can understand what she's singing without the need for a translator site.


Since I've adopted Rurik I'd like for him to become active as well. Do note if he meets a Xanilov he'll be rather uneasy around them because of the rumors he has heard from the Old Ebony pack but that doesn't mean he can't become friends/mates with a Xanilov, he just needs time to get to know any particular Xanilov's before he drops being uneasy around them. For the most part friends and the like are the big ones I'm looking for with Rurik for now until I've gotten a bit active with him.

For the most part all of my characters are just kind to others, Rurik being the exception that if you harm his loved ones (Isidora and then his other two siblings once they become adopted) that is when he becomes someone else personality wise. Feel free to shoot pms my way or post here with ideas and potential threads/plots. You can also get a hold of me on Skype which you can find my skype name on Aoto's account. Also make sure if you pm me you send them to Aoto/Nona either works so I'm not scrambling between three accounts.