
I'm Awake and Alive



2 Years
09-08-2014, 05:26 AM

His slam had been successful, colliding with her once more. Though the snow-furred dame was quick and alert, dodging his paw and attempt to scar her left cheek. The female next planted her forepaws on his chest and his lighter structure was shoved to the ground. He laid on his right side, his eyes watched as her left paw prepared to strike his face. Ignoring the throbbing pain on his side, he rolled over in a three hundred and sixty degrees turn, dodging the paw. Without hesitation, the nimble creature pulled himself up onto his paws, turning himself so he faced the colorless fighter.

He would quickly check his defenses again. He positioned his head with his spine and tail, rolling his shoulders forward and keeping his hackles raised. He shifted his legs into a spaced out position, evenly distributing his weight. His toes were splayed out evenly and his claws burrowed into the dirt. His knees were bent slightly. His brow furrowed, eyes only seen as narrow slits and his ears were pinned to his head. His jaws were parted. He was eager to fight, though he relaxed himself with calm breathing before indulging himself into the fight.

Bolting towards his opponent (head on), his right paw attempted to slash across the middle of the female's chest, and soon after his left paw attempted to do the same. He swiveled his body to his right, his jaws attempting to latch on and bite the female's left shoulder, closer to her neck. He would not dig his fangs into her flesh, his jaws would only grip the skin. He would release his grip in only a few short moments, as his right forepaw would attempt to stomp and scratch the female's left forepaw. Though if she is quick enough she might be able to move her paw out of the way and dodge his stomp.

Mikal vs Sinister for Spar

Round three out of three

Defenses: He positioned his head with his spine and tail, rolling his shoulders forward and keeping his hackles raised. He shifted his legs into a spaced out position, evenly distributing his weight. His toes were splayed out evenly and his claws burrowed into the dirt. His knees were bent slightly. His brow furrowed, eyes only seen as narrow slits and his ears were pinned to his head. His jaws were parted. He was eager to fight, though he relaxed himself with calm breathing before indulging himself into the fight.

Attacks: Third Paragraph

Injuries: Bruising on chest when Sinister forced Mikal to the ground.
