
Talk Dirty To Me


09-08-2014, 12:00 PM

An amused smirk crossed the Bierne's muzzle at the pale woman's words, a low chuckle rumbling in his throat. She was certainly a feisty one. He noticed that she didn't introduce herself, but it was all the same to him. For his own sake he nicknamed her Queen, since that seemed to be what she called herself, though he seriously doubted that was her real name. He dipped his head low in a mildly mocking bow and replied, "It would be my pleasure, Queen."

He went about setting his stance and preparing his attack, first settling his paws evenly under him in a wide, comfortable stance with his knees slightly bent. Next was his ears, folding them back flat to his head, while his lips pulled back in a snarl to expose his fangs. His head fell even with his spine along with his tail and his toes spread with claws digging into the dirt, all to enhance his balance. Once his eyes were narrowed, his chin tucked down over his throat, and his hackles raised he pushed himself forward to make his first move.

Nikolai was a bit rusty on his fighting tactics so he wasn't certain on how he should attack first, but once he got moving he could feel himself falling back into the familiar rhythm. He tried to use his slightly larger size to his advantage and threw his weight into his left shoulder in hopes of hitting his left shoulder to the center of her chest to knock her off balance and possibly even knock the breath out of her a bit. He knew he would cause himself some bruising on his shoulder if his attack hit its mark, but bruising was unavoidable in this type of fight.

Even if his first rush toward her didn't work out in his favor, he would still attempt to reach out with his fangs to grab ahold of her scruff. His goal was to hold her there to keep her from trying some attack similar to his own and to limit her range of motion more than it was to cause her some kind of wound. If his teeth found their mark he would hold the loose skin there just hard enough to keep her from pulling away. He kept his weight leaned into her both to keep from letting up on her and keep his weight off his right leg as much as possible.

Anzhelika vs Nikolai for Spar

Round: 1 of 3

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears back, hackles raised, head and tail even with spine, paws spaced evenly in a wide stance, toes spread, claws dug in, knees bent, chin tucked down over throat, and snarling to expose his teeth

Attack:Aiming to ram his left shoulder into the middle of her chest then reaching to bite her scruff to hold her in place
