
Blast from the past


09-08-2014, 12:23 PM

The longer he rested there in the shade, the more Nikolai began to drift toward sleep, a mid-afternoon nap sounding like as good a plan as any at this point. Just as his pale gaze was beginning to drift closed a brown-hued figured appeared in his line of sight. His eyes opened wide once more, his drowsiness quickly disappearing in the wake of a rush of adrenaline. The male seemed to be heading straight for him and with his fairly recent history he couldn't think of any pleasant reason for it. Scrambling to his paws, Nikolai watched the brute carefully, ready to defend himself if need be. The bend in his right foreleg gave him a bit of trouble as he stood, making his movement a bit more clumsy looking than it really was.

However, the stranger surprised him a bit by simply demanding to know his name. His ear twitched in surprise, but from the male's tone he could tell it would be in his best intrest to just answer the question. "Nikolai Bierne," he replied simply as his eyes glanced to the splotchy markings that dappled his coat. They were marks that he knew all too well since similar ones marked his own fur. His eyes found the male's with fresh curiosity, asking, "Who are you?"
