
Let her go



5 Years
09-14-2014, 01:03 AM

She had been patrolling the boarders, giving herself something to do. She was puzzling over how to make this pack better, they needed more members, older and experienced ones. Wolves that could hunt and fight and they needed a healer. She was the only healer at the moment and felt that would be the next thing she was going to do. Either train someone or claim someone who was a healer. For the sake of the pack, she'd do anything. She shook out her fur as she picked up her pace to an easy trot, gliding over the land. She made sure to refreshing their scent markers along the way but other than that it was a rather boring patrol. That was until a howl called out for her. Ears perked up as she paused in mid-step. She was vague familiar with that voice, but had not heard it for far to long.

She jumped forwards into a run to meet the caller, tail lifted high and jaws parted with tongue hanging out. As she came closer she almost tripped over her own paws with the sight of who it was. Ky, her half brother was the one who had called for her! She shook her head and sprinted the rest of the way with a joyful woof, tail wagging. Sliding to a halt and reared up slightly enough to pull her brother into a hug. "Ky! Wow its good to see you brother!" She said happily as she settled down to given him a look over. Again it seemed she would remain the midget of the group, always and forever. But size never stopped her before, look at Quelt.