
Desolate Planet


09-08-2014, 09:01 PM

ooc; venus pups if there's interest. anyone welcome.

Desolate lands laid out before her in hills of eternal, rolling sand. It was quiet and empty - no signs of life outside of the vultures that swarmed overhead. It was empty. Empty resembling how she felt. A blossoming romance was blooming with her and Goliath, though, it was unknown to her. A feeling so foreign and rejected, love would take time to fully bloom. . . Or perhaps it never would. Simply withering away before its life ever fully began. She felt a connection with this scorching land. Full of nothingness, though, capable of so much under different circumstances.

The temperatures were beyond hot. Heavy pants would attempt to cool her body. Paws would leave a trail of prints, temporarily, for the wind was quick to wash it away. She had no destination in mind, just a simple stroll through a lifeless land to have time to herself. To evaluate the meaning of her own life and the direction she was headed. Her rising ranks were something to be proud of; however, even though she thought it would complete her to become a royal, there still seemed to be some unknown hole waiting to be filled.

She would stop and stare at the sandy earth. Left forelimb would scrape the surface leaving a wispy trail of emptiness. The eternal breeze would slowly cover over the trail making it appear untouched - perfectly painted as before. Eyebrows would scrunch together in frustration and she found herself sitting upon the land while deep in though. Deep in thought about herself and who she was. What would make life mean something. To make her feel as if she had a purpose. She sat there, head hung waiting for a magical explanation for everything.

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