
Irina Avilov


09-08-2014, 09:42 PM
Out-of-Character Name: fawn
How did you get here?: i'm just that rad
Age: 17 going on 30

Character's Name: Irina Avilov
Age: 2 years
Season of Birth: Summer
Adult Height: 35 inches
Appearance Description: Standing at an impressive 35 inches in height, there's no denying that Irina is large. Her build is muscular, especially her legs and shoulders, which are packed with strength due to her travels. Nothing about Irina was little - she was the only one in her litter, so she had the lion's share of nourishment, which stood her well in life. Nothing about Irina is small, at any rate, and she is far from dainty or petite.
Irina's pelt is the more interesting part of her appearance, however. A base coat of black cloaks her frame, making it easy for her to overheat in the summer. Her thick, luxurious fur hints at some arctic wolf heritage - though her large size and dark coloration seem to imply that this heritage is far back in her past. Gray splotching adorns a few patches of her body, with one splotch marking the tip of her tail and two on her stomach. Splotches can be found on her chest as well and her left front paw. Her left ear is all that silver-y gray, and her paws are a slightly darker gray than her markings, fading across a gradient into the black that her body is covered with. Beneath her eyes is a line of white, which allows her bronze colored gaze to stand out sharply.

Her eyes are a muted brown with hints of silver, nothing particularly unique.
Calling: Runner ~
Proof of Purchases: n/a