
Wherever you may be I will find thee

Rurik I


2 Years
09-08-2014, 11:15 PM

and i'll fight to survive

Rurik was silent as he made his way through this rather lovely place, what was it that they called it... oh yes the Orchard he thought to himself. There was a small smirk on his maw letting his limbs stretch as he moved along. He was in search of his sister Isidora for he was worried about her, last he could recall she was the troublemaker of the four and he made it his duty to make sure to just be there for her and protect her when he could. The gentle breeze of wind made his charcoal grey fur ripple a bit as he lowered his head to take in the breeze. Darkened sun colored eyes scanning the area as he tried to figure out a spot to rest a little. He came a long way thus far into Alacritis to find his sister and must have lost his other two siblings in the meantime which worried him.

He finally found a particular spot that was rather safe to be until he could regain his strength once more to move on. The sooner he found his beloved sister the sooner he could stop worrying about her. However he would then also begin to worry about Artemiy and Liliya and would find himself again in search of those two then but hopefully with Isidora in tow. Until then though there would not be a peace of mind for Rurik while he fretted over not being with his three siblings whom he loves ever so dearly.

For now though he would stay here for a bit under the cover of what the Orchard had to offer him. Plotting out his next few moves before going on his way to try and find those he was looking for. Perhaps he'd find Isidora or maybe he would meet his brother Artemiy and sister Liliya. Rurik didn't know about this little adventure of his but one thing was certain was his current objective and that was to find Isi, she brought worry to his heart and mind. What kind of brother was he if he found her and she was hurt, he'd certainly blame himself if that were the case.

through this thunderous life