
Crawling Like A Worm From A Bird


09-08-2014, 11:47 PM

He had his eye on that apple, worms seemed to prefer the tasty fruit. His golden eyes were locked on its wriggling form, until a large colourful wolf came into sight. B hopped away quickly, eying the large wolf with wary eyes. It seemed that these lands were over run with the beasts. Letting out a little huff, his feathers ruffled as B watched the wolf hold the apple still that the worm was crawling out of, squishing it in the process. Letting out a caw, B boldly hopped forward, his wings slightly outstretched as his feathers fluffed out to their full extent. "Oi, oi! Woof squished B's snack with her big fat paw!" He cawed, beak clacking together as he took another hop closer to the pretty wolf, yellow eyes narrowed. "B was going to eat that bug and then you killed it, caw! Woof owes B a new treat now, yes yes! A new treat!" Came his harsh voice, green striped crest bobbing with his crazy head movements. Yes, this wolf took his worm which meant that she owed him, right? Was that how things worked?

Still wary of being this close to a wolf, he hopped back a few steps, wings still unfurled and ready to take flight the moment he needed too. B's eyes locked on the wolf though, angrily clacking his beak together several times. Yes, B liked the worms that hid in the apples! That one had been fat and juicy, and miss fat paws made it go splat. A squished worm was no good, he wanted a big wiggly one! Oh yes, then he could play with it a bit before he ate his snack. But there were so many wolves about, always messing with his problems. Most of the time he was the noisy one who started things, but he didn't know that. To him the wolves seemed to not like him, and he didn't know why. B was fun, oh yes he was!