
Plus boy


09-08-2014, 11:55 PM

[Image: B_zpsb4466829.png]

B, Just B

The wolf seemed all too willing to give B his mask, and yet he claimed that it was stuck to his face. "Lies!" He cawed, fluttering down from the branch to land between the wolf's shoulder blades. His wings stuck straight out as he fought for balance between them, letting out a loud caw when he just about slipped. The bird was careful to avoid digging his claws into the strangers back and his head reached forward, beak snapping over a few of the black hairs that made the mask. Whistling softly, B pulled back and rubbed his feathered head against the back of Quelt's neck. "B is sorry, water woof did not lie. B just wanted a mask to wear! Does big woof have a shiny for B? Oh, B does like shinies, caw!" The wold introduced him as Quelt, and B let out a few soft calls and he settled himself between the man's shoulders even more, knees bending as he rested his underside on the wolf. Ah, this was nice and soft! Fur made a nice nest, oh yes! B should have thought to collect some for his many nests, it would be nice in the winter to keep all of the heat in. Such a clever bird! "Yes, B is B and just that!" He said, answering Quelt's question.

Now that he was all tucked in among the slate blue fur, his feathers ruffled slightly due to his comfort. "Quelty woof, can B stay here? Quelty is so soft and warm, yes oh yes! B likes strange blue wolf!" Rubbing his beak against the soft fur, a content call passed through his beak, another nice nuzzle placed on the back of Quelt's neck.