
Wherever you may be I will find thee


09-09-2014, 02:41 AM

Isi for once also had a goal in life. So it was probably a little unrealistic, some magical cure for Raisa or a wonderful person with one wasn't simply going to appear in front of her no matter how much she wished for it. Unfairly it wasn't going to work for her but looked as though it was going to work for her brother. He wanted to find her and oh look, here she was.

"Rikky?" She would question, barely able to believe her eyes as she caught sight of him. She certainly hadn't expected to find him here. Old Ebony was far from the greatest pack in the world she had now realised new Ebony wasn't much greater at the moment though it once had been a good home for her. All the same, her siblings all steered clear of punishment from the Azarov family and their high ranking cronies. She had too but through luck not behaviour.

"It is you!" She declared happily as she lunged forwards to greet her brother. "What are you doing out in the big bad world? They didn't kick you out too did they?" Of course Isi hadn't technically been kicked out, she'd ran from a potential punishment and had gotten lost. Very lost. Why the hell was she wondering around as a rogue again? Probably wasn't the greatest idea in the world. Definitely wasn't the most fun one. She wasn't the most skilled or tactful hunter in the world and had lost count already of how many meals had gotten away as of late. Where had the days gone when babysitting was her biggest worry? Oh yeah, with Raisa's mind.