
Across the Barren Dunes, my love



09-09-2014, 04:01 AM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2014, 09:47 AM by Trahearne.)
The pup was so hot. And then he was so cold. Light accompanied the heat; darkness accompanied the cold. Both hurt him, a never ending cycle of days. He didn't know why he lived, and his mother didn't. His mother had been weak, yes... But she should have lived. Instead she died, and he lived because he feasted off her corpse... Much to his disgust. But she begged him to... At the end, when everything and all light was fading from her eyes.

Shaking his head, feeling the heat beating into his pelt, he crawled forward, seeing something dark. As he collapsed onto the darkness, he realized it was a shadow - a shadow of a cactus. He crawled further, pressing again the spines. They pricked him sharply, but he didn't care. The sand underneath was cool.

As he rested, drifting between sleep and awareness, the hours flew by. He was aware of nothing. He felt, heard, saw nothing. All he knew was that when he awoke it was dark, and something - he wasn't sure what - woke him. Perhaps it was the cold. Trahearne could feel it through his pelt, icy and frigid. The pup looked around, but saw nothing - there was nowhere where he could become warm. He couldn't smell anything, either; his nose felt like it was clogged with sand.

Letting out a piteous whine, he curled up with his legs tucked beneath him. He felt less cold that way, huddled in a ball. Easier to think, at the very least. His thoughts weren't exactly warm either. they consisted of his guilt; the question of wh-

And then his thoughts were interrupted when the scent hit him like a wall. then the wolf appeared, and he shrunk against the cactus, ignoring the the sharp prick of the thorns. The whining shifted into a low, weak growl. His ears flattened against his head and he bared teeth at the female. "Stay away from me!" his voice was rough, gravelly from dehydration, and she still approached, and he scrambled further away. His tongue licked a sandy and dry nose. He was so thirsty... he shook himeself, and he moved further back. "Get away!"

He didn't want them near him, not that female nor the male. The male swore upon his honor - but what's the worth of that? His mother swore they'd be alright.For all he knew, they could kill him. It was just a trap. The boy huddled in the sand, teeth baring again. He never noticed the food, or he might just have reacted differently.