
Wherever you may be I will find thee


09-09-2014, 04:20 AM

Arty and Lily had left too? Now that was an even bigger surprise for her. As various other conclusions leapt to her mind she wouldn't respond to Rurik's nuzzle. Surely it couldn't simply be that they had missed her, there had to be some ulterior reason, more to the story than he was explaining. Mind would settle on her parents. The least likely wolves to get themselves into any trouble, but had something still somehow happened to them? Active brain would consider many fates, the recent sacrifice she had witnessed perhaps influencing her thoughts. "Mum and Dad? Are they ok? It was the Azarovs wasn't it? What happened? No, no, don't tell me I don't want to hear it do I?" Ever the drama queen it seemed at times. None of the imagined horrors would be true, her parents were as safe as they had always been simply far more reluctant about the idea of leaving the only home the family had known.

Rurik surprisingly wouldn't enquire why she had left a year ago but instead simply what she had been doing. Perhaps some story had been spread in her absence. The fame she potentially still had there was a rather thrilling thought. Did she still haunt the minds of some of the members with her irritating ways?

What would truly hold her mind however was Rurik's declaration of love for his sister. Though she loved her family too, Isi simply wasn't the type to go around proclaiming it all the time and a small smirk would form upon her features for her responding reaction; tease him. "You soppy little thing. Anyone would think you'd come back from the dead. Wait?! Have you? I know you couldn't actually have died, but did you nearly? Are you ok? What happened?" She would grow more serious rather suddenly, starting to look over him for any signs of injury new or old. Maybe this was why her siblings had left, had someone attacked poor little Rikky?