
Wherever you may be I will find thee

Rurik I


2 Years
09-09-2014, 04:45 AM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2014, 04:56 AM by Rurik I.)

and i'll fight to survive

Mum and Dad, were they ok? The thought never crossed his mind as they always kept their heads down and were silent.. He struck out on his own in search of his own answers but for now it seemed that quest was to be on hold. "Isi, its me, do not fret over me as I'm fine and so were Arty and Lily before we got split up... I haven't died for if I did wouldn't I be standing here before you and well there's a lot to talk about but I think it would be best to speak of such matters for when we meet up with our brother and sister so the whole story can be told" he spoke softly and quietly only loud enough for his sister to hear. Rurik noticed his sister looking over him, curious as to what she may be looking for on him.

Was he ok, Rurik was one to never share any pain he felt or how he might have obtained a injury for fear he would burden the ones he loved with such a thing. Rurik was quick to assure her that he was indeed ok "Isi, I'm fine, no one in their right mind would attack me let alone attack Artemiy especially not Liliya... you know I wouldn't allow them to come to harm if physical confrontation is a must" his voice became rather serious and didn't hold his more playful tone. His gaze became rather stern as he spoke up again "Isi, are you ok, that I must know and please don't hide it from me, if there is something bothering you please tell me because you know I won't be upset with you at all" his voice continued to be serious and devoid of his more gentler side.

Straightening himself up, He sat down on his haunches and let his tail cover his snow white paws as he looked over Isidora to check for potential injuries. Rurik never knew if she could be hiding a injury and wanted to double check now that he was a little bit closer to her. Rurik came to the conclusion that something wasn't right though with Isidora, what could have her way out here of all places and why the sudden bombardment of questions... what exactly happened during the year she was away? the brute wondered to himself. He'd just have to wait for those answers to come as he would return his full attention to Isidora.

through this thunderous life